Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Things I'm thankful for...

We had a very crazy weekend...filled with many exciting things. First my dad won his lawsuit & gave each of us kids some money to buy something fun. We decided we desperately needed/wanted a new couch. So we bought the couch we have been eyeing for a few years. Then we found out that Bryan was awarded the SMART grant! It was such a large amount & it was so surprising. Now we can finally be out of debt. I am so thankful for these gifts.

I am also SO thankful for my sweet boys! I love being a mom & wife.

Other things that I'm so grateful for...

  • That my husband is the person he is. I am so glad he works so hard at his job & with his schooling. He supports us so well so that I can be home with Aidan during the day.
  • I have a wonderful job. It's easy, flexible, in the industry that I love, and I don't feel guilty being away from Aidan since I can work nights & weekends when Bryan is home. They have great bonding time!
  • I have a super support system! Mom, Dad, Eek, DJ, Granny, Darlene & other friends & family - we love you guys!
  • We live in a beautiful home that keeps us warm!
  • We have food to eat!

Thanksgiving Day!

Thanksgiving Day was spent at my moms!
We invited our friends Bob & Chris. We ate
& then played games!


My first time making a pie! Yummy French Apple!

Bryan & Bob playing ping-pong!

Mom & Dad getting dinner ready!

Aidan's first Thanksgiving!

Gpa is trying to get Aidan to play sports already!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Bryan & his siblings!

Last week we went to Bryan's Gpa Memmotts Funeral. We were glad we were able to go because I was able to meet some of his relatives on his dads side.

Brother Randy

Sister Shan

Napping away!

Aidan loves to take naps with his blanket pulled up around his face or sometimes on his face!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Aidan & his great Gma!

Sunday we went to visit Bryan's Gma, Aidan's Great-Gma.
She really enjoyed seeing him! We are so glad she is still with us!
I hope I live to be 96!